Business of Care

Class Details


8 weeks

Regular Fee



In English and Spanish

Class Schedule

See Class Schedule Options below.

Create a Plan to Launch or Grow Your In-Home Licensed Childcare Business.

Discover the essential steps to start or expand your in-home childcare business through interactive activities and discussions. Have your questions answered, gain insights from experts and peers, and draft a straightforward business plan.

Apply for a Business Stipend.

After completing the course, you will have the opportunity to submit your business plan and apply for a stipend to support your business growth.

Receive Expert Support.

Gain access to business consultants with childcare specific areas of expertise to build your confidence in making sound decisions to take your center to the next level.

Class Schedule Options

During enrollment, you will have the opportunity to select one of the following class schedules to participate in. Class spaces are limited.

10/1/24 - 11/19/24Tu 6:00 - 8:00 PMSpanishSome online & in-person sessionsSanta Barbara
Fall 2024TBAEnglishTBATBA

What people are saying...


Motivation and Support

You make me feel like I have a safe and reliable place for help, motivation and support.


Taking the Leap

At first it’s scary, but when you take that leap it only gets better, especially when you have a great organizations like WEV and CRR helping you through every step.