Canvas: One-Page Business Plan

Class Details


6 weeks

Regular Fee*

$200 (valued at $1,500)


In English

Class Schedule

See Class Schedule Options below.

Create a one-page business plan using the lean business canvas model.

A lean business canvas helps entrepreneurs challenge their assumptions and define their businesses’ competitive advantage. In this one-page business plan, you will chart out your target market, cost structure, revenue streams and key metrics to measure your business success.

Identify key performance metrics to track your progress toward meeting your business goals.

Each week you will identify a SMART goal that is connected to the metrics you use to track your businesses success. Owning your business goals will help you prioritize the activities to pursue to work more efficiently and effectively.

Engage with others as you strategize and refine your business goals.

This course facilitates connections between like-minded entrepreneurs. You will have the opportunity to share ideas, provide feedback, and encourage one another throughout the course.

Class Schedule Options

During enrollment, you will have the opportunity to select one of the following class schedules to participate in. Class spaces are limited.



*Alternative pricing available – review FAQs for more detail

"The Canvas method is one of my favorites because it is an efficient and effective way to define a business and understand where the focus should be for success."

Eileen Brewer, Canvas: One-Page Business Plan Instructor

What people are saying…


Tools for My Business Goals

This class has changed my mindset on my business and provided tools in my toolbox to accomplish my business goals.


Starting a Business

I have exceeded my goals and am actually doing the work of starting a business. So awesome.


Closer to my goal

I have a more clear sense of what services I will offer and how to present myself as a non-profit consultant. I have a list of action items to move closer to my goal for launching and growing my business.