Hannah Childs

Hannah Childs LLC

WEV Client




1715 Pampas Ave,

Santa Barbara, CA 93101 

Year Founded


How it Started

Hannah Childs was inspired to become a business owner by her mother. In 2018, she opened Hannah Childs LLC, a Premium Equestrian Apparel based in Santa Barbara, California.

Work with WEV

Hannah first joined the WEV community through our  Thrive program. She wanted to learn about business after leaving her fulltime job. She said, “My experience with WEV was supportive, engaging, and thoughtful.”

What’s Next

Originally, Hannah struggled with finances “both understanding how to manage them as well as not having the funding needed to start.” She now has a team of employees and continues bringing her clients sensible and luxurious pieces made to last. 


“My experience with WEV was supportive, engaging, and thoughtful.”

Hannah Childs