About WEV


Women’s Economic Ventures is dedicated to the economic empowerment of women — cultivating the power within each woman to realize her dreams, achieve financial independence and succeed on her own terms.

This is WEV

Hear from small business owners in Santa Barbara and Ventura counties how Women’s Economic Ventures (WEV) has made a difference in their lives.

Local businesses

Assisted through WEV’s programs

In small business funding

Invested through WEV’s loan and grant programs.

Estimated Local jobs

Created or sustained by WEV-assisted business

In estimated annual sales

Generated by WEV client businesses


Since 1991, WEV has provided business classes, consulting, and funding to more than 20,000 people throughout Santa Barbara and Ventura counties.

Community Initiatives

WEV believes that we must work together to uplift and support our community by addressing barriers to achieving economic success.


WEV’s Board of Directors and CEO share a deep commitment to entrepreneurship and economic empowerment. This passionate, driven group of community leaders generously share time and expertise in support of WEV’s mission.

More About WEV

WEV is a 501(c)3 based on California’s Central Coast, with offices in Santa Barbara and Ventura. A Women’s Business Center (WBC) and Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI), WEV supports over 1,000 clients annually.


WEV is a recognized 501(c)3 per IRS regulations.
EIN# 95-3674624.

Audited Financial Statements



WEV Stories

"WEV is such an incredible organization with endless resources. They helped me create a business plan, and to be clear about the direction and steps I needed to take to successfully launch my business."

Nancy Ulloa, Ulloa Cellars

WEV Stories

"WEV has taught me that I matter as a woman with a small business. I learned that there are resources available to me in many forms, even if it’s just being listened to in a time of doubt."

Stacey Moss, Moss Botanicals

WEV Stories

"I would not be where I am without the help and guidance of WEV. Thank you so much to the advisors that listened to me when I was scared of taking the next big step and gave me the best advice ever."

Bridgette Koenig, Awaken Cardio Kickboxing

WEV Stories

"Teaching the classes and consulting for our WEV community has been one of the most personal and professional fulfilling things in my life. When an entrepreneur can take an “idea” to “reality” is the most wonderful thing to watch…and to be a part of the journey is even better! I LOVE MY JOB!"

Jeff Alkazian, Business Consultant and Instructor


What is WEV’s mission?
Does WEV help men and others too?
In which languages does WEV provide support?
How can I see WEV’s upcoming events?
How can I find and support businesses that have worked with WEV?
Is WEV part of any national organizations?
I don’t live in Santa Barbara or Ventura County; can I still access WEV’s services?
WEV is a non-profit. Why do you charge for services?