Business Start-Up Guides

Business Start-Up Guides

While there are many steps on the journey to start your business, there are a few key actions every business owner must take as they launch.

How you actually accomplish these varies depending on where your business is located.

California State Business Start-Up Guide

The California Office of the Small Business Advocate (CALOSBA) supports economic growth and innovation for small business owners – and those interested in starting a business – by providing a range of resources to navigate the steps needed to start, manage and grow your business. This includes industry-specific “Quick Start” guides, as well as information on permitting and business registration. To access this comprehensive, multi-lingual guidance on starting/running a small business in California, visit the California Office of the Small Business Advocate website.

If you’d prefer to access a downloadable guide, the California Secretary of State’s guide to Starting a New Business can be downloaded here.

Santa Barbara County Business Start-Up Guide

See WEV’s Business Start Up Guide for Santa Barbara County businesses.

Ventura County Business Start-Up Guide

See WEV’s Business Start Up Guide for Ventura County businesses.

